thanks for always being there for me (:
i love you guys
[x] elfy andika (:
i miss you lots!
though we haven't been talking to each other much for a long time,
i still regard you as my best buddy and my brother whom i can trust alot.
you have been there when i was down.
you have been there when i was happy.
i really miss you alot.
[x] pamela liim (:
heyys limbu! wonder how many donkey ears and monkey tails we've not called you limbu!
hahas (: let's play mahjong agaiin! and OH YES! taukik batisah won!
but it's like the same. sony's signing contracts. withh the bothh of themm.
hahh- youu! i'll be getting better results then you cos i'm gonna be a [ full-time nerd`]
NO! not with tucked-in shirts until-the-waistline.
gross! haha!
to those others out there.
though i didn't mention you but it doesn't mean i've forgotten all about you! (:
takkaires (:
otherrs soon tu be updatedd (:
hillgrovesec. thirteen. attached
28o391. aries.
nort afraiid of creepyy-crawwlies (: andd i'm proud of that. afraidd of thunderr =/ lorves tu sleep when it raiins (: soothingg. WITHOUT thunderr.
hahhs. lorves sports! sports fill up half of my lyfe! loathes tikos`despos`copycats`sluts`bitches andd SOWS. hahas x)